How to support us?

3 ways to support Abilympics France

1/ The apprenticeship tax

In 2020, the methods for collecting the apprenticeship tax have changed. Calculated on 0.68% of your payroll, 13% of this amount is used to finance the actions of associations that work for the professional inclusion of people with disabilities.
inclusion of people with disabilities.

But it is up to you to choose the beneficiary!

Our association Abilympics France is authorized to receive this type of payment.

By clicking HERE,

here is the link to the order of 30.12.2019, with the national list of organizations authorized to collect the balance of this tax.

To contribute it's easy, download the payment form below:


2/ Patronage

Abilympics France is a recognized association of general interest. As such, it is authorized to receive donations from companies or individuals.

Through your contribution, you benefit from tax deductions, you support our actions, you share our inclusive values and you allow Abilympics candidates to highlight their talent and skills.


As a legal entity, you benefit from a tax reduction of 60% of the amount of your donation (or the amount of the valuation of the donation) within the limit of 0.5% of the turnover.


Individuals who make a donation to a charity or organization of general interest benefit from a reduction in their income tax equal to 66% of the sums paid, up to an annual limit of 20% of taxable income (art. 200- of the CGI).

In addition, if the limit of 20% of income is exceeded, the benefit of the reduction can be carried forward to the next 5 years.

A tax receipt will be established by Abilympics France.

3/ Sponsorship

- Enhance your image and increase your visibility on the communication supports of Abilympics France and on the equipment of the Abilympics candidates.

- Get tailor-made benefits, to share with your collaborators and your customers.

For each candidate, a real springboard towards employment, and for our society, a change of view on disability at work!


Words from our partners